Refund Policy
Livia Global, Incorporated offers a 60-day, money-back guarantee on all LiviaOne Liquid Probiotics and LiviaOne Vitamin/Minerals sold on its website. If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with the product(s) you purchased, you may return it for a full product refund. Please call us at 559.731.3502 or email us at for instructions on returning your product(s).
If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied!
Ordering: When you place an order for products or services, we collect Personal Information (such as name, contact and billing information, and other transaction information). We use this information to deliver your order, process payment, and to communicate with you about the status of your order. We may provide information necessary to the delivery of your order to our shipping partners that may include the type of products ordered.
Shipping: We prepare your order for shipment within three business days of receiving the order. Business days exclude weekends and holidays. Orders are shipped using the method you indicate at the time of order.
Security: We utilize SSL for our website. SSL creates an encrypted link between the web server and the web browser. This link ensures that the data passed between the web server and the browser remains private and secure.
Credit Card Storage: Credit card information collected at the registration or for shopping cart orders is used only to process payment for the transaction and, generally, is not retained on our Site. You may, however, in the future, voluntarily elect to store personal credit card information for use in future orders. You may add, edit, and delete your stored card information at any time.
Privacy Policy: Our privacy policy can be viewed here.
Terms and Conditions: Complete terms and conditions can be viewed here.