Ringworm and Probiotics
Wrestlers in the wrestling world are constantly battling fungal, bacterial, and viral infections such as ringworm, MRSA,
The reason athletes and most people are more prone to getting sick and getting these constant skin infections is because the flora in their intestines are not able to absorb the nutrients it needs to fight off the bad bacteria. It is crucial in each person's life to contain all the good bacteria they originally have; but because of poor diet, air pollution, and antibiotics from all the infections, their good bacteria is being destroyed along the way. As a company, we want to give people the opportunity to replenish their good bacteria and help each person build their immune system back up.
Probiotics specifically in a liquid form, have two different types of options; internal and topical. For internal use, where you take it
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.